Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Walk Cycle v2

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I took BoomStone's advice and lifted his head up on the pass and it did improve the cycle tremendously...AND THEN - I just had to keep going and try to get fancy before getting the basics down. Enjoy a 16 frame walk cycle done on 1's..I'll scratch it up to practice and try again later/tomorrow.


  1. You've got great movement here and absolutely stronger structure in the clean-up. A lot of fun here. Just as long as you understand that at his highest position-when the back leg lifts him up and the other is coming to the front- (sometimes better seen on a side view of a walk) that all key points-the knees, crotch, waist, shoulders and head come up.
    I downloaded a bunch of vids off YouTube last night because you got me thinking about these walks again. I looked for vids of models walking straight at camera...so many odd model walks...but as subtle as they are both men and woman do lift up at mid stride and it's something I rarely see in some of the student's work. They get some super arm swinging and foreshortening but forget the body lift. Nice work....Lee, Boomstone

  2. Looking good. For me, it's just really great to see Sean being brought to life!
