Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Playing with Flash Bones

Don't know what happened with the tail...It turned completely black when I linked it...anyway, it's getting a little easier to animate with flash now, but there's still a few things that elude me like how to remove frames from the last part of an armature timeline...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Finished Sean's turning sequence.

Now to Ink&Paint and put it in...Next is pulling the string.

Tweaking scene 1 - sean turn

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I'm retracing around 60 frames of sean turning around to mulder. I've added a few subtle movements which I hope will give a better illusion of life but I'm noticing that there's some dire need for follow through in the stops...Well..scratch it up to experience.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

CoyoteVille - Flash #1 - Current progress

I've completed the second pass in scenes one and two and am now getting further into the meat of scene 3 with creating the different lip-sync mouth expressions. This is taking *way* longer than I originally planned but still hope to get this finished by next week.