The coyote lives!! HE LIVES!! MUAHAHAHAHA! While far from perfect, I'm feeling mighty proud of this latest experiment which took me almost all day to do and was based off of preston blairs double bounce walk cycle. I messed up in a few places because I lost my place and ended up mixing the front and back limbs in a few places. I tried to save it as best I could. Anyway, here it is...Enjoy. :)
Friday, April 24, 2009
New Sean Odesse Walk Cycle! 30 frames - 24fps - on 1's.
The coyote lives!! HE LIVES!! MUAHAHAHAHA! While far from perfect, I'm feeling mighty proud of this latest experiment which took me almost all day to do and was based off of preston blairs double bounce walk cycle. I messed up in a few places because I lost my place and ended up mixing the front and back limbs in a few places. I tried to save it as best I could. Anyway, here it is...Enjoy. :)
animation practice,
sean odesse
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Walk Cycle v2
I took BoomStone's advice and lifted his head up on the pass and it did improve the cycle tremendously...AND THEN - I just had to keep going and try to get fancy before getting the basics down. Enjoy a 16 frame walk cycle done on 1's..I'll scratch it up to practice and try again later/tomorrow.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Walk Cycle Practice
Been following along in the animators survival kit and practicing various walk cycles in flash. I'm only on page 121 but need to be on page 171 by tomorrow. Good thing I already read this book once already! I have a feeling I'll be reading it many times more (not to mention checking out the vids which I'm almost halfway through)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Master Project part 3: the story so far...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Week 02 - Assignment 01 - Part 1
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Dragons - Humans with elongated faces.

No...really...Most dragon designs are based off of human facial anatomy, the obvious difference is elongating the front like an american werewolf, adding pointy ears, and then giving the transformed human a lobotomy (there's that wolf thing again, lobo-tomy) by cutting off the top of his head and voila! Instant dragon! Of course, it's always better to use proper reference like reptiles and dinos to base your dragons off of, but if you want your audience (who happen to be human..well, most anyway..) to CONNECT with your dragon, you'de better be sure there's a human underneath that scaley exterior! Don't believe me? Look at Draco from dragonheart! I drew a quick example for a fellow student.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Class project - antagonist
Art Institute character project progress

This the male and female leads in a fictional game for character animation class. I still need to come up with the male antagonist which I think is supposed to be the evil version. The male character is going to be a geeky guy who happens to have a private investigation business/hobby on the side. The female is his lifelong friend who happens to be half-dragon. :D
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Awesome Digital Storytelling tutorials by Acceptable.Tv!
These are great vids on how to create a story for, but you can really use this advice for any project!
Part 1: How to structure your story
Part 2:How to write the script
More here!
Part 1: How to structure your story
Part 2:How to write the script
More here!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Epitaph of an Unfortunate Artist

I'm re-reading Richard Williams essential reference "Animator's Survival Kit" for character and object animation class today and wanted to share this poem:
Epitaph of an Unfortunate Artist
He found a formula
for drawing
comic rabbits:
This formula for
drawing comic
rabbits paid,
So in the end he
could not
change the
tragic habits
This formula for
drawing comic
rabbits made.
-Robert Graves
I know for a fact I fell into this pattern when I drew the coyoteville comic strip which was heavily influenced by Warner Brothers and a bit of Disney as well as more than a pinch of Walter Kelly, which will probably take a bit of work to break out of.
animators survival kit,
Richard Williams
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